Alumnae hear insights on preventing violence against women Tags: Bangladesh, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Events, News, Inclusion, Alumni,
From stigma to strength: Bangladeshi alumnus’s vision for an inclusive future Tags: Bangladesh, News, Alumni, Disability, Impact, Alumni, Bangladesh,
Alumni improve health and menstrual hygiene among Bangladesh’s indigenous women Tags: Bangladesh, News, Alumni, Impact, Alumni, Grants, Bangladesh, Gender Equality,
Alumna uses grant to improve disaster risk reduction in Bangladesh Tags: Bangladesh, News, Alumni, Impact, Alumni, Grants, Bangladesh, Gender Equality,
Regional Alumni Workshop highlights work towards gender equality Tags: South Asia, Impact, Events, News, Linkages, Alumni,
Alumni ensure food security and restore ecosystems through organic agriculture Tags: Bangladesh, News, Alumni, Impact, Alumni, Grants, Environment,
Alumnae use grant to advance reproductive health of adolescents in Bangladesh Tags: Bangladesh, News, Alumni, Impact, Alumni, Grants, Bangladesh, Gender Equality,
Survey highlights benefits of Australia Awards Scholarships and Short Courses Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Experience, Impact, News, Short Course, Alumni,
New members step up to Alumni Disability Advisory Group Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Impact, Events, News, Disability, Inclusion, Alumni,
Alumna promoting agricultural technologies among rural women Tags: Bangladesh, News, Alumni, Impact, Alumni, Grants, Bangladesh, Gender Equality,
Promoting sustainable business: a tale of two Australia Awards alumni Tags: Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Impact, Events, News, Alumni,
Alumni use grants to contribute to a sustainable society by promoting literacy Tags: Bangladesh, News, Alumni, Impact, Alumni, Grants, Bangladesh, Education,
Indigenous alumni from Bangladesh use grants to support their co... Tags: Bangladesh, News, Alumni, Impact, Alumni, Grants, Gender Equality,
Alumni survey highlights lasting benefits of Australia Awards Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Experience, Impact, News, Short Course, Alumni,
International Women’s Day: Promoting gender equality for a sustainable tomorrow Tags: South Asia, Impact, Events, News, Inclusion, Alumni, Environment, APO,
Survey highlights Australia Awards education benefits careers of women equally to men Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Experience, Impact, News, Short Course, Alumni,